Central Florida Railroad Modelers

Home of the Ridgely, Parkersburg, & Greenbrier

Central Florida Railroad Modelers

Home of the Ridgely, Parkersburg, & Greenbrier

- Greg Komar

- Greg Komar

- Greg Komar

- Greg Komar


In our 2000 sq. ft. clubhouse near the intersection of Silver Star Road and North John Young Parkway Orlando, Florida, we operate HO scale models on 1500 feet of dual mainline code 83 track portraying areas of West Virginia from 1945 to1965. Our layout has a fully operational prototypical signaling system with a custom made CTC system that is used for operations. Check out our Layout Tour for more details.

Our layout with over 1500 feet of mainline.

On the second Saturday of every month the club runs operating sessions using our custom made CTC and signaling system. The club maintains its own inventory of rolling stock for operating sessions; however, members are encouraged to bring in their own power for operating sessions. Guests and prospective members are always welcome.

Please go to Plan A Visit for more information.

We are currently accepting applications for membership

Slide Show Photos

Photos by Greg Komar


20th Centrury Trestle

New York Centrai E7A/B pass through Rainell, WV.


Newman Coal

RP&G Hoppers load up in Newman, WV.


Newman WV

NYC F3 A/B freight passes through Newman.


Oakhill industries

Taking a break from loading freight in Oakhill, WV.



RP&G coal train climbs the grade in Coalburg, WV.


Lehigh Steel

Making steel in Livingston, WV.


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